Discover Your VUture



Studying is home to you. As a free thinker, you already feel like a scientist at heart. You cannot wait to write your first research proposal and have long since mapped out all the research groups associated with your studies. You keep an eye on VU Student Jobs for fun side jobs as a student assistant to a Ph.D. student. Reading scientific articles is a guilty pleasure for you. You are going to have a great time!


Devoting 100% to a study is important to you, you get good grades that make you really excel at what you do. You look at the world with a critical but open and curious mind. This allows you to see how you can help society through your research. 


Good grades and a degree are important, but it is also important how you put the skills you learn in your studies into practise. Try to develop yourself in other ways as well so that you can translate your research results into a valuable contribution to the world outside the university.

Professional perspective


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